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Giving Financial Into our Ministry


We would love if you felt led to give into our work here at Moray Grace Fellowship, especially at this time when we cannot meet face-to-face however still have financial commitments to ministries and charities that we wish to fulfil.


There are three areas that we feel you could contribute into -


1. General church funds (CHURCH)

2. Into our feeding station in India (INDIA)

3. Directly to Pastor Vic for his ministry (VIC)


Please use the following details to send a BACS transfer to us indicating which area your kind and generous support is for; use CHURCH, INDIA or VIC as a reference please.


Bank name - Royal Bank of Scotland

Sort Code - 83-20-06

Acc number - 00773985


If you wish to donate and you are outside of the UK, please contact Pastor Vic and he can supply any extra information you may need.


Bless you and thank you


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